Thursday, April 1, 2010

Watch Out, It's April Fool's Day!

TOP APRIL FOOLS DAY PRANKS: (Even Google's Home Page today is in on the action!)

Will your April Fool's Day prank become history? Pranksters will have to dupe the masses and do it with style if they want to make the Museum of Hoaxes website.

Here's a sample of what are considered some of the best pranks of all time:

In 1957, a BBC news show broadcast an in depth piece about Swiss spaghetti farmers that showed workers harvesting strands of pasta from trees. Plenty of intrigued viewers called the station, asking how they could get their hands on a spaghetti tree.
BBC employees told callers it was easy, just throw a piece of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope it works out.

"Sports Illustrated" caused an April 1st frenzy in 1985 when the magazine published an exclusive report about Sid Finch, a major league prospect who could hurl a baseball 168-miles-an-hour with perfect accuracy. The article claimed the made-up player honed his craft in a Tibetan monastery under the guidance of a renowned poet-saint.

The Taco Bell Corporation sparked a 1996 uproar when the company announced it had purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the "Taco Liberty Bell." When asked about the sale at a White House press briefing, then-secretary Mike McCurry reportedly announced that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold and renamed the "Ford Lincoln Memorial."

A grass-roots prank printed in a small newsletter went national when readers were shocked to learn state legislators in Alabama had voted to change the mathematical constant pi 1/8 1/8 pie 3/8 3/8 to the "Biblical value." The small "New Mexicans for Science and Reason" newsletter quickly gained national attention. The authors drafted the article in 1998 to poke fun at legislators pushing to make teaching evolution optional in public schools.

In 1999 Burger King announced the new left-handed Whopper. The company took out a full page ad in "USA Today" highlighting the first ever burger designed for 32-million left-handed Americans. The company issued a release detailing the hoax after thousands of customers either ordered a left-handed burger or made it a point to mention they wanted to stick with the classic, right-handed version.



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