Thursday, April 22, 2010


I love this fucking planet so much!!!!! I really really do. Everyone was tripping on how gorgeous the land in Avatar was (myself included) but I think OUR planet is just as wondrous and awesome, we just take it's beauty for granted. Maybe Earth Day is just another April 22nd to you but honestly, if you love the beach, the mountains, a sunset, the smell of rain, your dog, your neighborhood, trees, flowers, anything on the planet, then google "Ways to Help the Environment" and commit to making just a few changes that benefit our planet for years to come and help you really appreciate what we have here!! Start with simple ones like using reusable water bottles and coffee mugs instead of plastic water bottles and paper or styrofoam cups. Bring your old grocery bags to the store or bring bags from home to bag up your items. Use low energy light bulbs, carpool or ride your bike when you can. Hell even going camping and paying to use a state park is helping. Pick up a few pieces of trash today and enjoy the Earth, it sounds so hippy but this planet is really amazing when you break down to the basics. I hate that humans are like this parasite eating up all the natural resources and beauty, lets live WITH the Earth ya know?

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