Thursday, April 15, 2010

'Crash the Tea Party' Rallies Planned Nationwide on Tax Day

From Polotics Daily:

Opponents of the Tea Party movement are planning to crash the group's rallies this week as a way to portray the conservative activists as out of touch with ordinary Americans.

The "Crash the Tea Party" campaign -- which calls itself a "group of Democrats, Republicans and Independents" -- has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are recruiting members to infiltrate events Thursday, tax day, founder Jason Levin told The Associated Press.

The goal is "to act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them," according to a mission statement on the group's Web Site.

Levin told Talking Points Memo he got the idea after seeing activists take on the infamous Westboro Baptist Church (the "God Hates Fags" people) outside Twitter headquarters earlier this year. He said the demonstration fizzled when counterprotesters' signs "out-crazied" the Westboro group.

"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!' " Levin told the AP.

Bob MacGuffie, a Connecticut organizer for Right Principles, a Tea Party group, said opponents "can't actually debate our message and that's their problem," according to a story in the Boston Herald.

New York Tea Party coordinator Judy Pepenella said the attempt to destroy the movement was evidence its message is resonating. "We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," she said.

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