Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Celebrating 4/20: National Pot Day

From Slate:
There are a lot of rumors about why April 20 is the date that stoners across America unite for an all-day celebration of smoking marijuana. It doesn't matter which, if any, are true. The fact remains: Thousands of pounds of pot will be burned today, and not in backyard BBQ pits. Using decidedly unscientific methods, the Daily Beast put together a list of what it called "America's Highest Cities." To construct and rank the list, the Daily Beast used the following data: the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration's most recent survey, which estimated pot usage in the past month, arrest data based on pot possession and sale, and a pot-friendliness scale from Steve Bloom, former editor of High Times magazine. To be considered, a city required a metro area of at least 30,000. When the dust settled, Eureka, Calif., was determined to be America's highest city. Not surprising: Eureka is part of northern California's famed Emerald Triangle, the subject of a recent Rolling Stone report that quoted a local as saying every resident was involved in the business of pot. Rounding out the top five were Tallahassee, Florida; Manhattan; Boston; and San Francisco.

(San Diego Didn't Make the List! :(

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