Monday, April 5, 2010

Breast-Feeding Could Save Hundreds of Babies, Billions of Dollars

Breast-feeding helps to prevent certain illnesses in infants, including ear infections, juvenile diabetes, childhood leukemia, stomach viruses, and more. It's also cheaper than baby formula. A new study published in the journal Pediatrics on Monday claims that breast-feeding in the United States for the six months of a child's life would save billions of dollars and about 900 babies annually. "Those startling results ... are only an estimate," the Associated Press reported. "But several experts who reviewed the analysis said the methods and conclusions seem sound." The study on breast-feeding, whose lead author, Melissa Bartick, calls a public health issue as opposed to a lifestyle choice, estimates that annual savings would be $13 billion. Some of that total is based on lost potential lifetime earnings—$10.56 million per individual—for unnecessary infant deaths.

Currently, only about 43 percent of women in the United States breast-feed their children with only 12 percent doing so for a full six months.

1 comment:

  1. Word. If by some fluke I chose to have kids, I would breast feed. It's clearly the most healthy, logical choice for the mother and the baby. But, like everything else, corporations have stepped in and convinced women that formula is a viable or even a superior method of feeding. Bullshit. Breastfed babies also score higher on intelligence tests...
