Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vote to legalize cannabis in California on November 2nd!!!

Yesterday, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 for the November ballot. This means that on November 2, Californians will finally be able to vote to end marijuana prohibition.
The groundbreaking initiative would make personal possession and cultivation of marijuana legal for adults over 21 in California. It would also allow cash-strapped cities and counties to tax and regulate marijuana sales in order to reap millions in new tax revenues.
This historic proposition will finally allow California to move away from the destructive policy of prohibition and toward a more rational approach to marijuana. With talk of marijuana policy reform already resonating through the halls of the state capitol, today's announcement will certainly heat up the debate.
We're looking forward to educating the public about the benefits of taxing and regulating marijuana in the months leading up to November - hopefully you are too.
Please show your support by pledging to vote "yes" on California's Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act on November 2!

Read the Rest in the LA Times

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