Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Marriage Ref, delightfully awkward!

I sorta dig this new show The Marriage Ref. There is a panel of guests and a "judge" that listens to a couples argument and decides who wins. The couples are ridiculously hilarious and the guests are A/B List people that make such funny comments. You can imagine my delight when my two comedic loves Ricky Gervais and Larry David were on. Then they threw a wrench into the panel: Madonna. Things got so uncomfortably awkward, you can tell it is NOT scripted. It's cool to see such a weird mix of famous people give their views on relationships, love, sex and marriage. But it's also nuts to see what couples argue about. Prosthetic leg of deceased ex-husband, should it stay in the living room or not?? I kid you not, that is one of the arguments!

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