Friday, March 19, 2010

Free Form Dancin' In North Park

San Diego

Every Friday Night
in North Park

class/jam 8 to 9pm


We are a thirty-five year old community comprised of everyday people from all walks of life and several generations who come together three times a week to breathe, to feel, and to dance. On our dance floors, ordinary citizens are encouraged to bring their authentic bodies out into the open and simply move.

In our communal arena, there is no one right way to dance. Rather, there are as many ways to travel through space and time as there are people. There is no presiding ideology. There is only this moment, now, and the ever present choice to relate -- to others, to the self, to the studio, to the ground below one’s feet, to the life sustaining air around us, to the rhythmic vibrations, to the catatonic beat, and to the reverberating stillness.

Find Out More About Dance Jam San Diego

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