Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Totally Forgot It was Snow Crazy in the East

I'd been so distracted by our CRAZY rainfall and temperatures in the low 60's that I forgot there was a frenzy in the East a veritable mayhem of confusion!!

From Slate Blog:

We're Totally Snover the Blizzard Headlines

We know, we know, the entire nation is under assault by blizzards. Schools are closed in New York. Flights are canceled in Chicago. The House of Representatives is shut down in Washington. But please, can we dispense with the cutesy snow headlines? The Washington Post is, as far as we can tell, the worst offender. Yes, D.C. has suffered a lot this year, and the Post's editors have had plenty of time to hone their pun-writing skills. But right now we've got "Snowmaggedon," "The New Snowcialism," and "Oh snow you didn't," on the home page alone. There's only one word for that: snoverkill.

If only the east could ship some snow to Canada where they fear there won't be enough snow for the Winter Olympics. What the hell do they do if there is no snow? Tons of people are traveling there, booking hotels to view the games. Athletes ahve trained YEARS to compete. Canada has pumped huge sums of money into the city to get it Olympic ready. I heard its even to warm to make fake snow. Now THATS a crisis!!

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