Friday, February 12, 2010

SD Locals on Letterman Tonight!

The Muslims (now known as The Soft Pack) will be performing on The Late Show tonight!! This favorite bad ass local band has made waves throughout the music scene, traveling to all corners of the US and abroad to delighted and enthusiastic fans. Their self-titled CD release party was at The Tower Bar a few weeks ago and even as a strident fan I was blown away. They keep getting better! Check em out tonight on CBS at 11:35 PM with Jeff Bridges and comedian Joe Wong!

ALSO: The Soft Pack will be performing at SXSW!!!!

How The Muslims Became The Soft Pack (breaking hearts in the process....)
From The SD Citybeat:
Just when did dildos become less controversial than a reference to a religion? Answer: When that religion is Muslim. At least that’s what a Southern California band called The Muslims figured out before they finally gave up and rechristened themselves The Soft Pack.

A “soft pack,” obviously, is not a sex toy that stands at attention.

“It’s a dildo used for women who are dressing like men,” vocalist and guitarist Matt Lamkin nonchalantly explains. “Drag kings, I guess you’d call them.”

Sure, it’s more realistic than a stuffed sock, but The Soft Pack wasn’t some feeble hipster attempt to be ironic or mildly shocking.

“We are Steely Dan fans,” says Lamkin, who grew up in San Diego with guitarist Matty McLoughlin. “It’s kind of a Steely Dan reference, because their name is a reference to a dildo from Naked Lunch, the book. So, you know, it’s a shout-out to them.”

The name change happened more than a year ago, but Lamkin is still fielding questions about it. The short answer: The Muslims attracted too many ignorant, inflammatory comments.

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