Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Huge Debate: The Muslims vs. LOST Premiere

The Muslims (Now called The Soft Pack):
The Muslims (my favorite SD band) play a FREE Show (my favorite price) at The Tower Bar (my favorite SD Bar) TONITE. It's their CD release party and their new album is supposed to be insane. This is one of those times right before a regional band gets huge and you kick yourself for not going to more of their small shows (although I'm pretty fucking stocked up on seeing the Muslims play if I ever needed bragging rights). It's just that I haven't seen them play in over a year and I'm feigning. Haven't been to Tower Bar since the night Obama was elected either. And it's fucking FREE! It will be crowded as hell but that makes Muslims shows and Tower shows, what they are!!!

Only Problem Is......

LOST Airs at 8-11 PM on ABC (First hour is a recap followed by a 2 Hour Premiere)
I have been a faithful LOSTie for many many years. I've put in the time, watched Season 5 again, joined the spirited, agonizing and exciting debates over what the fuck is going on. I love Lost and I can't wait for new episodes. A friend is throwing a party tonight and we're all so stoked. WHY OH WHY does it have to be the same night as this show? Chances are they go on around 11pm and MAYBE I can scoot over there but it WILL be sold out, hands down, for sure. I'm still gonna try though, the adrenaline after what is surely to be an insane premiere might be enough for me bust through the wall just at the set begins!

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