Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Great Lady Gaga Interview

I love Lady Gaga because in interviews she is very calm, clear, level headed and direct. She always always shouts out and acknowledges her fans. People ask her why she dresses in such elaborate costumes and it took me going to one of her concerts to get it. It unlocks this portal in you where you feel like you have the power, the place and the group of people in which you can express yourself any way you one. It's freakishly liberating. Lady Gaga has raised the bar for what is OK, she has made weird a thing to strive to be, not something to buck against. So many people were dressed up at her concert and the ones who weren't vowed to dress up the next concert and felt left out. Individualism, expression and independence of the self aren't lauded much these days, it's nice to have someone affording us all the lucky opportunity to do what we want and be proud of it. Hold strong in times of vagueness and blandness.

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