Friday, February 26, 2010

The Five Winter Olympians You Could Probably Outrun

Here at Nerve, we’ve caught a case of the Olympic blues. It happens every time: after hours of watching lean, mean twenty-somethings skating faster than cars and doing multiple back-flips on skis, we start to feel a bit bummed. After all, it’s a demonstrable fact that we will never, ever be able to do even a single back-flip on skis. Ever. What we can do, in an effort to make ourselves feel better, is put together lists like this one. Please allow us to present the five winter Olympians we’re pretty sure we could outrun:

1. Steve Holcomb, U.S. Bobsled Driver

Steve Holcomb is an awesome bobsled driver. Last year, he led the U.S. to its first four-man World Championship win in almost fifty years. He’s a veritable sled god. But, he’s also a pretty big dude. And that might be more of an advantage when he’s sliding down some ice than it is when he’s chasing you around the high-school track.


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