Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Hodad's is going in East Village!

You know, Hodad's. The uber popular slightly overrated burger joint at the hopping OB corner of Bacon and Newport. During the summer the line to get in and grub those greasy delicious burgers and fries served by hot surfers goes around the block. It's quintessential OB. Sun, brews, burgers and bro's. But now the burger joint is adding a location in a section of North East Village that is nowhere near as gentrified as the South Section. It's right by homeless meth-head haunt turned dive bar, Chee Chee's. It's a block from Pokez on 10th and Broadway. Doubt people will want to be hanging out in line in THAT area. Maybe grab a drink at hip bar El Dorado while you wait for you food....

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