Monday, January 4, 2010

Beware: Marriage, Babymaking Propaganda (even when it makes no sense)

Plot in Nutshell:
-Super loving and connected couple with a hot and interesting sex life (includes hot role playing in bars and ball room dancing classes) makes decision to not get married and have children because they never want expectations to sour what they have and just plain DON'T.

-Super loving couple is forced to visit inlaws for the holidays.

-In laws are incredibly insufferable, horrible, ridiculous and savage. Causes super loving couple to fight and break things off.

-Fighting couple sleeps in respective child hood rooms for ONE night, looks at pictures of their families when they were kids.

-Fighting couple decides that having kids and marriage IS what you HAVE TO DO.

-Fighting couple has a child. Does not tell inlaws or extended family.

Basically by the end of the movie the filmakers/producers/studio decided to puss out and inject the ancient and archaic traditional values of this ass backwards nation into an already very very weak script with lackluster performances from a cast of top Hollywood players. If they had filmed everyone showing up to payroll to pick up their huge checks it would have been more realistic....

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