Smooth jazz is just balls out lame and should only be used for men with ponytails in their 40's trying to seduce women in the same age bracket with 60% less hair than them and a penchant for lame sex mood music. And as much as I LOVE JAZZ, it does not work when you're getting hot and heavy. The pussy drying effects of jazz are astounding. Last night I told the guy I was dating to put on some Bob Marley. In an effort to impress he put on a jazz rendition of Natty Dread. Needless to say we were listening to the real version in about 45 seconds flat....
Good Sex Music:
-Dub, Mellow reggae (not to be confused with dance hall or radio reggae (Sean Paul, Matisyahu, etc)
-Interpol (Darker, moodier sex can be super hot)
-Kings of Leon (the first albums are the hottest)
-Radiohead (cuz everyone loves Radiohead)
-Bjork (freaks the more macho dudes out though)
-Jimi Hendrix (Keep Foxey Lady on the playlist and things can get real sexy, it brings out the animal in us ladies!)
-TV on the Radio (Sex with a funky vibe, very hot)
-Postal Service (Indie Sex classic)
-Tip for mix playlists: Resist the urge to add the soul classics of our parents like "Let Get It On" and other giggle inducing sex songs of yore used for comedic affect in the Austin Powers series'...
-Tip for mix playlists: "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer is just a little to creepy for sex with someone fairly new
-Tip for mix playlists: Make a few diff lists in case the lady or guy you bring home ISNT into sex to the soundtrack of Ludacris' sexiest hits. Review each song for possible odd and awkward interludes or crazy parts of the song that might mix up the flow of things.