Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Make some extra holiday money right in your own neighborhood!

Four people have been arrested for killing what could be dozens of people in order to drain their fat and tissue to sell it to cosmetic companies in Europe. They would apparently lure people to remote areas of Peru before killing them. Two suspects were arrested carrying liquid human fat, and they told police it was worth $60,000 a gallon. Medical experts said they were skeptical there is a huge market for human fat, even if it does have limited cosmetic applications. Still, the police showed reporters two bottles of fat that were taken from the suspects and a picture of "the rotting head" of one of the victims. Police said the gang cut off the "victims' heads, arms and legs, removed the organs, then suspended the torsos from hooks above candles that warmed the flesh as fat dripped into tubs below," explains the Associated Press.

Read original story in The Associated Press | Friday, Nov. 20, 2009

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