Friday, December 18, 2009


From Perez Hilton:

Just how we like our billboards: inventive and offensive! Pure genius!

This Christmas, folks in New Zealand were prompted to ponder their religion a little farther outside the Bible than they were used to. A billboard, erected by the church itself, finds Joseph lying in bed with his wife Mary, with the heading "God is a hard act to follow" looming above him.

Hilarious and thought provoking! We love it!

As expected, many members of the parish were not so open-minded about the message, claiming it was "sacrilege" and inappropriate. It only took four hours for someone to come along and deface the the billboard in a fury.

The church vicar, Archdeacon Glynn Cardy, stands by his decision to have the billboard created, as he described his church as having very liberal ideas about Christianity.

We think we'd love to hear a sermon from this guy! Seems to us like he's got some good ideas!

And for the haters, let's get real. You don't think Joseph ever got busy with Mary? She was his wife after all and he was a MAN! Just because the Bible leaves that tidbit out doesn't mean it didn't happen!

Expand your mind people!

Read More: Perez Hilton: A Hard Act To Follow!
Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

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