Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Freeway Insurance People are Assholes!!

A friend of mine was searching around to get quotes on car insurance after she was pulled over by a cop without insurance. Check out how RIDICULOUS this lame as insurance agent was. DON'T USE FREEWAY INSURANCE!

amanda schendek: I had aquestion
theodore brown: ok
amanda schendek: I got a ticket today for no insurance and the cop said I have to prove I had some as of today, is there a way I can get some that will be active today?
theodore brown: yes
amanda schendek: I already emailed freeway for a quote
amanda schendek: will I be able to take that to court and prove that I had it when he gave me the ticket, or will it be time stamped?
theodore brown: yes
amanda schendek: yes?
theodore brown: no
theodore brown: thats fraud
amanda schendek: oh I see yikes
amanda schendek: not trying to be a fraud
theodore brown: but you might want to get insurance and they will have clemency
amanda schendek: what does that mean
theodore brown: if you dont get insurance enjoy the 2200 fine they are about to hit you with
amanda schendek: Hey, Im just asking what does clemency mean
amanda schendek: you dont have to be rude
theodore brown:
amanda schendek: do you really think Im going to buy ANYTHING from you?
amanda schendek: what a dick
theodore brown: no cause you dont have insurance to begin with i will not sell you as policy
amanda schendek: then have fun selling someone else AS policy
amanda schendek: I just can't believe you're allowed to talk to customers that way, I will now tell everyone I know to NEVER use Freeway--and I know a few people that are looking for insurance

1 comment:

  1. Gotta throw my 2 cents in here. Everyone's polite during interviews. Companies really can't know that their potential employees will be dickheads.

    I've become a letter writer. If an employee is a complete douche and pisses you off enough, and you feel compelled to say something, report them. Some companies are actually pretty decent to good companies in terms of policy, philosophy and or product. I'm speaking more generally here, but if a company, say is organic, green, fair trade and/or pays employees decent wages, I want to support that company. I don't think the whole company should get bad word of mouth because of one dickwad.
