Friday, December 11, 2009

Did you know?: National Lampoon used to be a magazine, gasp, respected!?

NATIONAL LAMPOON, INC.: Once upon a long time ago, the National Lampoon was a magazine. Its greatest days were over by the mid-1970s, and it hasn’t put out a new issue since the late ’90s, but it was so great a satirical magazine that comedy geeks and other pop-culture addicts still talk about it in awed tones. In 2002, bad people relaunched the name, scotch-taping it to titty comedies, pay-per-view strip-poker matches, and other frat-rat fare. Now people who worked on the real Lampoon when that was something to be proud of have been reduced to scrubbing it from their resumes, lest prospective employers think they had something to do with National Lampoon’s Dorm Daze or The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell.

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