Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Scientists Develop Nonperishable Apple

After 20 years of research, Australian scientists have finished perfecting the RS103-130, or what is being called the world's best apple. The RS103-130 was developed for its sweet taste, resistance to "apple scab," and ability to stay fresh for up to two weeks. It has been heralded as the world's first nonrotting apple. According to researchers, apple crops have to be sprayed as many as 10 times a year with a chemical that protects them from fungal disease. Due to its genetic resistance, the RS103-130 is expected to save farmers up to 10 percent of their annual turnover. "If you're an apple grower and this [new apple] lives up to its promise, then it really is quite a breakthrough," an apple expert commented. Scientists are now working on a talking snake to help distribute the ideal apples.

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