Thursday, November 5, 2009

Interesting, Thought Provoking Pot Related Articles!!

Stilleto Stoners: Smart, Succesful Women who burn one down!
They've got killer careers and enviable social lives. They're also major potheads. Why are so many smart, successful women lighting up in their off-hours?

This article is so bomb, read it HERE on Marie Claire

Pot Acceptable??

Despite the fact that TV, media, and softening laws show pot getting more socially acceptable, the marijuana arrest rate in the United States has nearly tripled since 1991! Part of it is an attempt to stigmatize and thereby hurt the futures of the people that it hurts most, the young and non-white.

Read More Here on CNN

Fired U.K. Drug Adviser Insists Gov't Should Pay More Attention to Alcohol

The professor, who was fired as adviser to the British government on drugs, stood by his comments about how ecstasy and LSD are less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. He said his firing illustrates how governments aren't willing to have a science-based discussion about drugs. "When I say alcohol is more dangerous than Ecstasy, cannabis and LSD, I mean it," David Nutt said. That's not to say Nutt believes the drugs are safe, but rather that the debate about drugs should take context into account. "You can't have a debate about drugs in a vacuum," he said. "It's like medieval debates about angels on heads of pins."

Read More on The Times Online

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