Wednesday, November 4, 2009

FAB LAB, Create ANYTHING you want!

For the science, engineering, artists, craftspeople and the folks that just like to make things on this list, I'd like to announce that the Fab Lab is offering memberships starting later this month.
The Fab Lab is a workspace in the City Heights area that has equipment normally only available to people in industrial settings that anyone in the community can use to make robots, furniture,
jewelry, electronics gear, prototypes, stencils, artwork and almost anything else you can think of making. The lab has a shop bot, laser cutter, modela, vinyl cutter, complete electronics bench with soldering irons and hookups for your computers. Any designs you can make on your computer can be sent to these machines to be cut out to make anything from custom vinyl wall art decorations and computer cases to custom computer desks.

If you've always wanted to make something for yourself that doesn't exist and didn't have the space or equipment to do it, the Fab Lab is the place to let your imagination go free. If you are an engineer, programmer, artist with illustrator experience, experienced shop bot user or small business owner with experience, we may be able to work out a reduced membership fee in
exchange for volunteer hours.


4440 Wightman St
(On Wightman between 44th St & Highland Ave)
San Diego, CA 92105

Recently, a collaboration with MIT has led to the opening of Heads On Fire :: Fab Lab, an advanced digital design and fabrication laboratory where community members can utilize high-tech tools to make almost anything. The HOF Fab Lab in San Diego is one of thirty in the Global Fab Lab Network, and the only on the West Coast.

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