Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why 3 Strikes Your'e Out Is Horrible

3 Strikes You're Out is a law in California that give you a life sentence in prison if you commit 3 felonies. It was created during the rise of gang violence in LA when the same thugs and homies were being sent to prison over and over again. Lawmakers needed an incentive for these people to stay out of trouble.

THE HUGE PROBLEM IS, felonies could include marijuana possession, stealing a piece of pizza, bigamy (being married to two people at the same time), etc! So if you have three petty crimes you're whole life could be spent in prison. And us tax payers foot the HEFTY bill. Thousands for people in prison are guilty of nothing more than petty crimes, they never got a second chance at life after being typical teenagers from the streets.

Next time you have the option to vote against or reform 3 Strike's Your'e Out, think of this!!!

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