Friday, October 23, 2009

A post-coital cigarette can be hot

Even if you don't smoke I feel like when a girl or guy offers you a drag of their cigarette after you've just had sex for the first time you should take a drag, just to be polite. It sort of sucks to hear "Um, no I don't smoke..." right after you bone and smoking in bed after sex is hot and Europeanesque. Just go with it, don't inhale if you don't want, just enjoy the moment and take one for the team. Round 2 will be hotter, guaranteed. (And you can't taste cig breath if YOU have cig breath). You can tell them you don't smoke at the post sex meal and then you won't get offered it again. Accepting that one time just lets em know that you're no prude. Yea cigs have harmful affects but god damnit smoking looks cool, it just does....

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