Monday, October 12, 2009

Paranormal Activity Phenomenon!!

This is the hugest thing being buzzed about in the media world! This movie shot documentary style but scripted tells the very spooky story of a couple living in and trying to document spirits in the house they live in. Think along the lines of Blair Witch Project but waaaay freakier according to reviews! It was shot with a budget around $15,000 (which like NOTHING in movie land) and released in a very very small amount of theaters. But, they promised it'd be released nation wide if one million people voted for it in their theaters and they hit their mark, no problem, thanks to marketing stunts like putting it on Twitter and Facebook and, well everywhere really. It's already in the Top 10 at the box office and has made fucking seven million dollars, shit it even has 84% on Rotten Tomatoes! Check out the website and demand it in your city HERE and see the freaky in itself trailer below!

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