Monday, October 26, 2009

Hula Hooping, Fun, Hot, Burns Calories!

I learned how to hula hoop while at a BBQ in Balboa Park this weekend and I am fucking hooked!! I was taught by a lady who gives lessons and is certified so she was mesmerizing us with her talent, moving the hoop from limp to limp and up and down her body. It was sexy and it looked like a lot of fun but I have NEVER been able to hula hoop. Turns out with the right direction I was a natural! It was so much fun and I noticed after 20 minutes or so I was slightly winded and breaking out in a sweat! And I work out! Today my abs are aching, in a good way and I'm excited to start learning new tricks and moves. If you are looking for a new workout or challenge or need a fun way to get motivated toward a hot body or sexy hobby (lol) then check out hula hooping! Michelle Obama does it!!


San Diego Hula Hooping Meetup

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