Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fuck You, signed, A. Schwarzenegger

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger often attaches letters to his vetoes explaining his decision. But when the governor rejected a piece of legislation from a Democratic assemblyman from San Francisco who had publicly heckled Schwarzenegger at a recent event, the governor's note seemed to have a hidden message inside it. By joining together the first letter of each line on the left side of the message, it reads: "Fuck You," or perhaps even "I Fuck You." The Los Angeles Times notes that Schwarzenegger is a known prankster and that it was issued four days after the Democratic lawmaker yelled at Schwarzenegger in public using his own obscenities. The nondenial denial from the governor's spokesman seems to say it all: "My goodness, what a coincidence that it would say something along the left-hand margin."

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