Thursday, October 22, 2009

Famous Polyamorous Couple: Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre

Simone De Beauvoir, whose private life came to be admired nearly as much as her work, chose to never marry and did not set up a joint household with Sartre with whom she had a lifelong relationship.She did not ever bear a child. This gave her time to earn an advanced academic degree, to join political causes and to travel, write, teach, and to take lovers.

Pretty much this woman is my idol and a picture of what some women who choose to live a child-free life can achieve. Some women are meant to raise children, be wonderful mothers and be the backbone of a family committed to raising their offspring into adults that positively affect the future. This is their passion and it is what they want to do with their life and I support ANYONE who pursues what they feel they are supposed to be doing with their life, be it raise a family or join political causes, seek higher knowledge, travel, teach, WHATEVER!

Corresponding philosophy from Jean Paul Sarte: Sartre advanced the philosophy of existentialism, arguing that each individual must create meaning for his or her own life, because life itself had no innate meaning.

Life doesn't have to be what our parents, teachers, county, government tell is has to be, they aren't US so why should they decide who we choose to live LIFE, I mean we only have ONE shot at this right???? There is no meaning to life except the one that YOU give it, start figuring out what life means for YOU and only you.

Read The Guardian Article on Simone de Beauvoir "
'Our relationship was the greatest achievement of my life'

"We were two of a kind, and our relationship would endure as long as we did: but it could not make up entirely for the fleeting riches to be had from encounters with different people."

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