Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ex-Prez Bush is now a Motivational Speaker....

Right after the crowd at the "Get Motivated!" seminar danced to the Beach Boys' "Surfin' USA," they got to see former President George W. Bush talk for 28 minutes. What did he talk about? Well, he didn't "appear to have an overarching theme," notes the Washington Post, rather he brought together a few stories, such as talking about how he picked a rug design for the Oval Office, and frequently mentioning his faith in God. "I can tell you that one of the most amazing surprises of the presidency was the fact that people's prayers affected me," he said. "I can't prove it to you. But I can tell you some days were great, some days not so great. But every day was joyous." He is likely to start giving more speeches now that he's joined the Washington Speakers Bureau. Participants in the seminar all seemed to like the speech, even if they also noted he wasn't the best speaker in the series. One even said that perhaps Bush could be better at motivational speaking than at the presidency. When he misspeaks, it sounds "incompetent if you are president," said a 25-year-old salesman. "But here it can be inspiring. It makes him seem like a regular guy, no better than me."

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