Monday, October 5, 2009

Did You Know? Birth Control and fighting the unwanted Baby Epidemic

Ladies, you don't have to have periods every month (just lost most of my males readers right there, but this applies to you too: more sex, less bitchiness, less emotional eating and less tampon runs!). There is no medical reason to have a monthly period if you aren't trying to conceive. Even on the Pill you aren't having a real period you are having a "pill period." Read more about the difference between a real period and a "pill period" on the Seasonique website. Seasonique is a birth control method where you only have periods 4 times a year, can you IMAGINE!?!? But before you go out and buy up Seasonique know this: My doctor said you can get the same results by continuing to take your birth control and just skipping the placebo week for three month. Easy!! Also, instead of running out to spend a fortune on Plan B (emergency contraception) if you ever need it, just check out this website. Plan B is just a huge dose of estrogen, you can the same result by taking a couple months supply of your birth control.

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