Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can Open Relationships Work?

Married couples, dating couples, every couple that isn't in the first 6 months seems miserable (except yours of course!). Some just seem plain bored, or just...complacent. Is monogamy the best way to achieve relationship bliss? Should we be expected find all the things that we love about a partner in ONE person? Or should we be expected to make concessions and compromises to find the person with the least worst qualities? In an age where half of all marriages end and 55% of people will cheat in a relationships, what can we learn from the current model of how we are told relationships can work? I'm a person that believes open relationships CAN work as long as there is great communication and a mutual respect for your partners. What do you think? Read more about it below:

Don't ask, don't tell relationships, read about them on Nerve Blog


The Ethical Slut Book

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