Friday, September 4, 2009

You Can Go As Fast as You Want on The Autobahn

The German autobahns are famous for being some of the few public roads in the world without blanket speed limits for cars and motorcycles. On a family vacation to Germany in high school my Dad rented a pure driving machine, some sort of Mercedes he was watering at the mouth at. He said he couldn't leave the country until he'd gone over 120 mph on the Autobahn. It WAS pretty rad. Would have been cooler if my Mom hadn't been praying out loud the whole time! Certainly, speed limits do apply at junctions and other danger points, like sections under construction or in need of repair. Suggested speed limits at non-construction sites are typically 100 km/h (62 mph) to 140 km/hr (86 mph).

Ironically, the overall safety record of German autobahns is generally better than that of other European highways and certainly better than most roads in the country (Compare death rates at 3.0 on the Autobahn to 10.0 on roads).

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