Monday, September 21, 2009

The Plight of a Mother

My friend sent me this e-mail she got that was supposed to be send to all Mom's in the US, it made me roll my eyes but then again, I'm not super sympathetic to the chosen plight of motherhood. Hey you CHOSE to have kids, don't complain!:

"Ever see those bumper stickers from Italy, France, and Spain on people's cars and wonder why your car only goes back and forth to the grocery store? Us too. But while mothers don't get to travel to far off exotic lands as often as others might, we certainly do get to travel to the heart! And we should have something to show for it!

Want to show everyone you or someone you love has been to the Motherland? We're offering you a free & fabulous MOM bumper sticker that lets everyone know that you've been there and you're proud of it!"


a. Super sad thought thinking about how all mom's do is grocery shop. Maybe give it a rest ladies?? 32% of kids in the US are overweight or obese! Take the kids on a bike ride to the local farmers market or start growing a garden!

b.Italy, France and Spain are all you could come up with for "far off exotic lands?" The three most commonly visited Western European countries? Too be honest I doubt you ever had ANY interest in traveling anyway. Otherwise you would have traveled instead of having kids.

c. Not only mom's get to "travel to the heart"ok? Also, what does this mean??

d. Do not use the term "Motherland" to denote the fictional place where Mom's substitute traveling to far off exotic lands for. No doubt a rep from the NAACP has called you already....

e. So you want something to show other people that your a mom huh? The out of shape body, mom jeans, mini-van, stained outdated clothes, lack of knowledge of things outside of Disney and sex starved husband aren't indication enough?? No? Maybe the kids will suffice as a sign of your motherhood?? No?? Still want the sticker?? Ok you win.

f. I hope you are happy with your stickers (that kind of blow) vs. the freedom of world travel, cultural perspective, tangible knowledge to pass to your kids and the exhilaration of experiencing new surroundings and ways of life...

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