Friday, September 18, 2009

SD Reader Writer Out For Blood

Josh Board, local writer for the weekly San Diego Reader, admitted in his blog "Bicyclists and Poditrists" that he attacked a random cyclist at the latest Critical Mass ride. As the ride was passing, Board (according to his own account) threw a piece of gum at a random cyclist, unprovoked, and then picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at another cyclist, striking that cyclist in the head.

Furthermore, in the comment section of the blog, Josh Board encourages readers to join him in South Park to attack Critical Mass riders w/ weapons on the next ride. In his blog, Board premeditates further attacks, specifically vehicular assault which carries with it the potential to seriously injure, paralyze, or murder a victim. In addition, Board premeditates that if such a situation were to occur that he would lie about it in court and say that he 'just didn't see the cyclist.' See below for a full quote:

By JoshBoard 12:07 a.m., Sep 2, 2009"
"I kinda liked the idea that if I ever run into the CM crowd, and I'm in my car...well, I just go when the light turns green. If that means a major accident, or someone falls over my hood, well...we'll let the courts decide who was wrong. Me going thru a green light (and possibly saying in court I just didn't see the cyclist, as I was looking down for a second, but I did see the light turn green and went, assuming that's a safe time to pull forward).

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1 comment:

  1. Geez man what's his problem? Did cyclists maim someone he loved? I remember him having a big beef with one of the CityBeat writers on one of his blog postings as well.. Probably just posting controversial statements to get noticed.

    BTW - for my taste, from above post, Band of Gypsies far and away best Hendrix album.
