Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sarah Palin Gets Dissed on Death Panel Claim

Sarah Palin still insists that the current proposed health care plan includes death panels (now a widely debunked myth). She describes death panels as people that will decide if a certain person gets health care or not. What I can't understand is why she doesn't recognize that our CURRENT system of private health care actually operates that way. Very basically private health care companies can deny you care or charge you an exorbitant amount based on ANY preexisting conditions. Try getting any health care company to cover you if you have cancer. Let me save you some time: they won't. Check out this awesome response to Sarah Palin's madness:

A spokesman for the Democratic National Committee sharply hit back at that claim, saying "The way Sarah Palin is trying to scare Americans you'd think it's Halloween already."

"By continuing to peddle what Pulitzer Prize winning independent fact checkers have found to be ‘pants on fire’ lies and doubling down on the GOP recommendation to end Medicare for future generations, the only thing that's in costume here is Sarah Palin's supposed concern for the health care of Americans," said DNC Press Secretary Hari Sevugan.


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