Friday, September 11, 2009

San Diego Wants to Fuck Over Sick People

On September 9th the SD Cops drew their guns and rammed down the doors on 14 San Diego County medical marijuana dispensing collectives. Federal agencies were part of the task force but the operation was coordinated at the behest of San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.

Using frightening strong-arm tactics to intimidate medical marijuana providers was completely uncalled for. The image below from video captured by San Diego’s KFMB News shows an officer manhandling a wheelchair-bound patient and operator of one of the targeted facilities.


You can call District Attorney Dumanis’ office at (619) 531-4040 or e-mail her at

Please be polite but firm when making contact with the D.A.’s office. Feel free to use the script below to help guide you through your call:

Hello. I’m calling because I’m alarmed that the District Attorney’s Office appears to be using scarce resources to target for prosecution collectives established to help local patients obtain legal medical marijuana.

Please explain to me why this should be a priority for our county given enormous budget constraints and much more serious crime in our community — not to mention the voters’ wish that legal patients be provided safe and open access to medical marijuana.

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