Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ridiculous Tales From The Single Life

First of all, I LOVE being single. Honestly, I'm one of those rare women that shudders at the thought of having ONE regular dude invading my space all the time, the SAME dude. But I love dating and I like dating older men. They are usually more secure, future driven and have more going on. They are many times life long bachelors so they aren't looking for long term either. And they are more dominant and confident in bed. So when I was introduced to 37 year old Ph. D Dan* I was very intrigued. He looked about 28, was tall, smoked weed (hard to find in motivated men), was an Atheist (hard to find in San Diego), educated, loved traveling, was funny, oh and Jewish, LOVE EM. We got along really well on our first date, totally hit it off!! Then we set up another date and he stood me up in the weirdest way. He sent me an email of his arm when he had the measles and a picture of him in a suit as a REPLY when I asked if our date was still on. I had to send about 20 emails and texts to get a clear answer out of him when he wouldn't just use his god damned phone. He apologized and we made plans for another date a week in advance, I was totally cooling off on the whole thing but our first date went so well.... Guess what? He stood me up again, cancelled an hour before basically. Instantly I thought of the Current Strong Women Mantra "He's Just Not That Into You." And I got over it, I live a low drama life, I'm repelled by problems and mental irregularities. I have a normal fuck buddy and lead a busy life, I was over it. But then he heads off to Chile to snowboard and tells me to not give up on him, that he'll be back Sunday and wants to go out, he was having problems, is awkward, got out of a long term relationship, blah blah blah blah DRAMA. I was still intrigued though and what did I have to lose! I accepted when he asked me out again because all my girlfriends and I wanted to see what was up with this date canceling weirdo. Check out how things went when he returned. I pretty much laughed myself to sleep!!!

The E-Mails Exchanged When Dan Returned From Chile:

ME: Did you end up staying in Chile?

DAN: nope. crashed right after i got home...just got up!

ME: Good Morning, welcome back to sunny ass san diego ha
what was your fav part of the trip?

DAN: let's meet up tomorrow. for lunch. please...don't forget about me. i really do like you. i just had some issues these past several weeks...por favor???

ME: Are you going to stand me up again!? LOL I'm only half joking. Where do you want to meet up? I'd sorta rather maybe hang out on a blanket in the shade in Balboa Park or something.

DAN: ummm. i actually have to stand you up. i'm SUPER sorry. i forgot that i have a lunch with my lab for someone who is leaving. sorry...i'm so absent-minded. obviously.

LOL NO WAY!!! I think I laughed for 10 minutes. He immediately turns around and stands me up!! Some guys are soooo good on paper and may even pull off a first date, but crazy can't hide. And here' it rears it's ugly ugly head. What a waste of a face/stats.

*= Named has NOT been changed for privacy.

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