Thursday, September 17, 2009

Not to be confused with Beer Pong!

You may have forgotten what ping pong was in the rise of white fraternity craze Beer Pong. Actual ping pong does not involve beer, at least not beer that you are trying to aim the ping pong ball into, and actual ping pong uses paddles, say it with me, paddles. If you long for the nostalgia of table games of yore check out the event below. Everyone attending will still be white and the ping pong table at least looks the same. Resist your urge to start stacking red solo cups on the table! From past Sezio events I've realized the majority of attendees went to uber Christian Point Loma Nazarene University, are attractive but not sexual, are white and "indie", do not drink more than 1.5 beers per person, and are very very nice in a very very creepy way. The Pearl rules though so maybe just get sloshed, order their cheese plate and kick it in the pool with the other sinners!

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