Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Leslie and the Lys, DIY Fame

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- It was five minutes before doors opened at Atlanta rock club The Earl, and Leslie Hall was backstage cramming her ample proportions into head-to-toe spandex.

She straightened the stuffed white tigers mounted to her shoulders. Blasted her towering blond, bouffant with another spritz of Aquanet and sprayed Febreze on the sweatier regions of a size-16 costume that was definitely dry clean-only.

"This is my Britney Spears-inspired circus outfit," said Hall, tracing her fingers along the lion tamer piping of the gold lamé onesie. "My mom made a plus-size one for me to wear."

Hall insists that, quirks and all, she's just another pop star.

"I think Britney, Rihanna, Beyonce, we're all doing the same thing," she said, pushing oversized spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

But in the next sentence the 210-pound white rapper -- who lives with her parents in Ames, Iowa -- pitched her new plan to help make ends meet. She's begun marrying gay couples in a mobile museum heretofore dedicated solely to the celebration of gaudy, gem-bedecked sweaters.

In her own uniquely random manner of speaking, Hall calls the offering the "Gem Sweater Wedding of Grands," a package she has posted on her Web site and tailored to members of her gay-friendly fan base.
Check out the official website for Leslie and The Lys

Leslie and the Lys: "Beat Dazzler"

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