Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye, true to character, Acts Like A Douche Nut Job

Yes, we all know about it already! The VMA's crave their wacky moments that have people talking for weeks and I swear to god someone is paying Kanye West to act like that much of a fucking idiot right!? PLEASE somebody tell me he is on some publicity firm's payroll! While I completely agree Beyonce's video was infinitely better than Taylor Swifts you don't fucking steal someones mic in the middle of their acceptance speech. You got Twitter Kanye, tweet your ass off after the show or throw a rampage as you exit! 15 year old girls and their cougar moms are totally going to stage Kanye West album burning parties....

BEST PART OF VMA INCIDENT FOOTAGE: Beyonce's reaction!!! Shes like WTF is happening?!? Kanye's NOOOOO, don't claim me you crazy fool!! LOL, I love her. She showed such class and poise in letting Taylor come back up and have her moment. Oh Kanye, might be time to schedule a plane flight headed for the ocean floor or the broad side of a Rocky Mountain bluff....

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