Monday, September 28, 2009

Junior High Diaper Blues

My friends three year old son is afraid of pooping in the toilet and still wears diapers. It's freaking her out. I can't believe the shit (literally) that parents commit their life to. She was looking on parenting message boards about her plight and came across this creepy gem of a post:

From The Med Help Website:
My daughter is 14 and still wears diapers sometimes. I dont ridiclue her ,as she is old enough to know what she is doing. I do let her know that I am OK with it and that she doesn't have to hide them. We talk about it some and she just says she likes them. She only has them on when she is alone or with me- not among friends. I don't change her or anything encouraging like that. I dont see any harm in just letting her do what she wants. Where did this habit come from??? I have no idea, she was potty trained at 18 months. She began to wet her bed at about 6 years old, so I had her in diapers at night. Then I would also find her in them during the day, and she has continued with that habit to now. We order her diapers on line. We live alone and she is an only child.
What does concern me is that she asked for Molicares. When they came, I looked at them. These are big, bulky ones made for longer wear. Last weekend, she stayed in the same diaper all day. I could smell foul smelling poop. Now Im concerned.



  1. if your daughter requested Molicares you should read this information, living in the US, only an infantilist would know what molicares even are...

  2. not true--dl's(diaper lovers) would also know. A lot of info available online about AB/DL's.
