Friday, September 11, 2009

I love this quote

Heaven for climate, Hell for society
-Mark Twain

I'm an Athesit so I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I know that when a human dies we are put into the ground and we decompose and become soil like every single other glorious animal on this incredible earth. BUT if you do believe in Heaven and Hell (and poor you for having to live with that fear your entire life!) then which one do you think would be cooler? I for one would rather hang out with the rock stars, comedians, dancers, partiers and fun folks in Hell than hang in heaven with people who don't drink, don't dance, and hate gay people. I used to be intensely involved in studying Christian biblical scripture for years AS a Christian. I was really affected by how horrible boring Heaven sounded. You basically sit and worship Jesus all day. Awesome. Send me to Hell Oh Lord where Bob Marley is playing a concert with John Lennon as we speak! LOL

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