Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Facebook Stats, it's taking over!

-----Facebook's user base is nearly as large as the U.S. population and, for the first time, the site has turned a profit. The online community crossed the 300 million threshold. There are about 307 million people living in the United States

Question: How does Facebook make money!? Maybe advertising alone?

-----About 70 percent of Facebook's users are outside the U.S.

Comment: WHOA!

-----The site started out as a portal for college students but has attracted the attention of baby boomers and older generations in recent years. Facebook says its fastest-growing demographic is people older than 35.

Comment: This is why Facebook seems lame! All my older aunts and uncles are on there, my damn Dad is on there. All these old people keep commenting on my page and I've hurt feelings deleting my parents friends. Is there not a middle ground between the teenage geard Myspace and the baby booming Facebook!? Should we get Friendster going again??

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