Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Do death row inmates really get last meals?

This was something me and my friend Amanda were discussing while we smoked a bowl last night. It's very historical we agreed but we wondered if like our federal prison system gave inmates condemned to die a last meal of their choice before ending their life. Of course this conversation took a heavy and lasting turn into discussing what WE would have as our last meal, options abounded, I still don't know, so much pressure!!

Here's what Wikipedia had to say:
In the United States of America most states give the meal a day or two prior to execution, and use the euphemism "special meal". Alcohol or tobacco is usually denied. An unorthodox or unavailable request will be replaced with a substitute. Some states place tight restrictions. For example, Texas limits last meals to food available within the prison system, though occasionally permitting food "from the free world". In Florida, the food for the last meal must be purchased locally and the cost is limited to $40.

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