Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More To Love: Jury is still out!

So this show is basically like The Bachelor, for big girls, curvy girls, voluptuous girls and down right fat girls. Fox found a hefty, rich and successful SUPER NICE dude to do the picking and a large (pun definitely intended) amount of girls for him to choose from. I am proud thicker girl myself and so it's nice to see some gorgeous large women on TV, it's almost surreal! Problem is FOX managed to find one of the most issue laden, daddy issues, bitchy, air headed fat crew in the country. One girls cries at EVERY testimonial. One girl falls head over heels at first "You look beautiful tonight." Like every reality dating show there is your fair share of bitches who are out for blood, bitches who are out for the money and bitches who came for the drinks and drama. The bachelor is such a sweet heart and careful to be good to them so that helps matters, its hilarious watching his face and body language toward the girls he likes and the girls would will definitely be sent home later in the season. Some of these girls are sexy knockouts, some could just knock you out. My all time favorite is gorgeous sexy rockabilly siren from Portland, Bonnie. YUM!!! This show is interesting, funny, entertaining and endearing in a way because of how nice the guy is and how earnest some of the girls are. Maybe I don't recommend tuning in weekly but if your looking for a new twist on an old formula, this is it!
My Sweet Bonnie!

Check Out More to Love On FOX!!

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