Monday, August 3, 2009

Judd Apatow sort of sounds like a D-Bag

Judd Aptatow is currently the big man on the comedy campus with hits I love out like Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Basically bromances where the jokes are funny and the male bonding plenty. But in many of his interviews and in having to sit through shit ridden movies like Knocked Up I'm beginning to think he isn't as cool as we might think....

He said that Pineapple Express was an anti smoking movie
: Aptow was co-produce/writer it might seem that way at first as they get into a lot of drug dealing related mayhem. But if you smoke you know it's one big ass familiar salute to the hilarious side of regular pot smoking. Lead writer Seth Rogan has even mentioned that it's a stoner movie done the right way.

He doesn't like The Big Lewbowski: WTF!?!?! What comedy writer doesn't like the Mother of smart quirky comedies??

He wrote Knocked Up: Which makes women look like weepy, nagging, baby obsessed nothings. Hot girl with amazing career, tons of prospects, happy open life gives it all up to have an unplanned baby with a fat, porn loving man child who chooses his bong over her in an emergency. NOT BUYING IT JUDD!!

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