Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hungover Walk Through Little Italy

After a night partying in a friend's parents vacation condo I was forced to leave my car in Little Italy and walk back to my house. Even before I finished stumbling home I was already resenting having to wake up before the meter maid put one of those horrifying yellow tickets on my car at 8am. I woke up hungover and disoriented, at least the night of drinking, singing, bowl smoking and laughter had been worth it. Luckily the walk is down hill from where I live in Banker's Hill and the route to the car passed 7-11, perfect time to stop in for a Gatorade. This is about the time a bum held the door open for me and asked "Rough night??" Holy shit, a homeless person is alluding to the fact that I, ME, look tore up. Great start to the morning. Well I think I was still drunk and high because certain things were really amusing me on my walk to the car. Below I've posted a few of those:

A horrible Darth Vader-esque building blocks the harbor view for many:
WHY!?!?! Im soooo surprised that the Little Italy building association let this building go up. They've really been trying to beautify the neighborhood with flowers and brightly colored buildings. This building looks like Darth Vader is starting a new insurance corporation or something. It completely contradicts the spirit of the neighborhood and blocks the view from the lovely water fountain gathering area right across the street! I can only imagine what sort of deal was struck so they could build there. I also like how they moved that tiny house from it's location on the other side of the lot facing the harbor to the backside. Why the hell is it here and what will it be?

A Luigi's Pizza is going in!!:
NICE!! Because tourist favorite Fillipi's totally blows and ironically there is NOWHERE in Little Italy to get pizza by the slice!!

Creepy Real Estate Agent Anthony Napoli Welcomes Comic Conners:
This guy has his picture plastered all over town. Maybe you've seen the one where his face is digitized on the head of Adam in famous picture "The Birth of Adam?" Rich.

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