Monday, August 17, 2009

Christina Aguilera Trying to make it OK for indie kids to listen to her music

THIS IS FROM Pitchfork:

Goddam, Christina Aguilera's next album is shaping up to be quite the all-star affair. We've already reported that she's done work in the studio with Goldfrapp, Ladytron, Sia, and, most recently, Le Tigre. And now MTV reports that Aguilera's been working with a couple of other big dogs: M.I.A. and Santigold. Sweet!

According to MTV, Aguilera called her personal station on A.P.E. Radio (the same network that makes Weezer's radio station) earlier this week to give a few quick, tantalizing details on the LP. Said Xtina: "I think I'm most proud of this work than I've ever been, just because I worked with so many amazing and incredibly talented people... I got a chance to sort of write with Santigold, M.I.A., Ladytron-- artists that I really love."

Aguilera also explained that she couldn't explain too much: "I know I can't let too much out the bag too soon. I just can't, 'cause I really want you guys to be surprised and to experience firsthand what I'm talking about or what I'm not talking too much about. Too soon in the game, but wrapping everything up now."

We're already suprised!

This is going to... rule? I guess?

It should be noted that this isn't exactly out of the ordinary for Santigold. She has co-written songs for Ashlee Simpson and Lily Allen in the past.

Bloggers Note:

I looooove how in the last line Pitchfork is trying to make the hipsters who are huffing and puffing about a POP star invading THEIR music scene feel a bit better. Like it's OK guys!! Intermixing music is common, Santigold is still not super mainstream, we can still like her guys!!

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