Thursday, July 9, 2009

You don't know shit about Iran

On The Daily Show they had a correspondent in Iran interviewing people and getting a sense of life in Iran. Americans picture cities of rubble, gaunt children, women in burquas, and mean faced men in bloody dusty shirts. Turns out Iran is full of educated nice people living in cities and houses just like ours or nicer. Their children play peacefully in parks, it really struck me. We don't know shit about Iran basically. I think we think bombs go off every nine seconds and the people hate us. But in the episodes that aired during those days in Iran you get a sense these people are lively and don't hate America, they have a real sense of politics, world issues and even American pop culture and history. They are a nice and friendly people who live lives just like ours. I think our government would rather think they are evil heroin addicts worth bombing the shit out of. Check out this surreal moment of zen....

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